Impressions of a Friendly Debate, pp. 12-18 Teunis IJdens, Folkert Haanstra, National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts [LKCA] Two issues are outlined in this volume: - The motives, methods and merits of research into so-calded transfer effects of arts and cultural education; - The uses of research for practice, i.e. the adaptation and incorporation of findings and insights into arts teaching and cultural education practice at school and out-of-school.
Fostering Language Skills in Preschool Using Musical Training: Opportunities and Challenges, pp. 22-28 Sascha Schroeder, Lorenz Grolig Music Composition in the Primary School, pp. 30-37 Michel Hogenes Thalamic Multisensory Integration: Music Matters, pp. 38-44 Artur Jaschke Assessing Progression in Creative and Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics and Visual Arts, pp. 46-56 Marianne Boogaard, Liselotte van Loon-Dikkers, Marieke Buisman [PosyMus] Potentials of Electronic Feedback Systems in Music Class, pp. 58-63 Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, Benjamin Weyel The Voice of the Teacher. Using Research Solicites Logbooks as a Research Tool in Arts Education, pp. 64-69 Edwin van Meerkerk Investgating the impact of Arts Education in Youth Art Schools. Coclusions Drawn from the Use of Quantitative an Qualitative Methods in the Research Project 'juArt', pp. 70-81 Marina Stuckert, Ivo Züchner Effects of Arts Education Activities on Creativity?, pp. 82-90 Katrin Knoll, Ludwig Stecher
Research on Arts Education. Experiences and Perspectives, p. 94-99 Eckart Liebau, Chairman, Council for Arts Education